Serve with us all year long!


Summer of Service was a smash - let's keep it going!

If you’re interested in getting involved, join us at Step Into Local. Meet our Local Ministries directors, ask questions, hear stories, and discover the many ways you can support and serve your community!

September 21 | 3p-5p | Prescott Valley Location
September 22 | 12p-2p | Prescott Location

For our Cities


We’re blessed to have been placed in such a unique community.
We consider it our mission to show the love of Jesus, and most often, we get to show that love by serving others. 

justice and wholeness abound

We are Neighbors

In a world full of hurt and brokeness, we want to show visable, practical love to our community as we work for justice and wholeness towards 2025 through these

  • Families for kids

    We want more than enough families to care for foster children in our community, as well as supporting our foster, adoptive, kinship and biological families within our community.


    Through partnerships with Manzanita Outreach and other food providers, we want to be one of the first food secure counties by hosting drive-thru food shares in underserved communities. 


    We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, showing our love for our neighbors through our presence in Heights Homebound Ministry and service through Heights Handymen and ServeCollective.


    We want to see every person have access to financial education and become thriving members of our community. 

Want to know more?

You will always find people ready to help, no matter how big or small your question.